how to get sales for your book

Viewed 16

I understand the concept of ads and keywords and building online profiles and getting email lists. But I've spent years keeping most of my online profiles private so it's kind of like coming into it blank.

I'm an in demand ghostwriter and editor, but this isn't about me publishing my own romance novels. I have coloring books so it would be me purchasing and paying to send the books to people to review. I've asked a few friends but they never write up reviews for my books they've bought (they don't understand the importance).

I know building up a following or finding readers when I'm starting from zero is a long, uphill battle, but does anyone have any useful pointers other than get an email list and create a following online. No one seems to point out areas in which to do that, I don't think.

My drawings are actually drawn by me and not AI or cookie cutter (which may or may not be a hinderence). Thank you in advance.

1 Answers

There are a few ways to get reviews for your books.

  1. ARC Review (Advanced Reader Copy). There are websites that offer this service.
  2. Ask for an honest review inside of your book. (Not a 5* etc. just honest)
  3. Promote your books on your Facebook. Your connections can buy it and could be more likely to leave a review.